Gabrio Staff Olimpo in MilanGabrio Staff Brand New Hair Spa
An idea that was born out of a woman’s typical desire for complicity, gentleness, protection, and the fundamental requirement that a modern salon offer not only salon services but also ever-new sensory experiences to a clientele that is curious and exacting in its demands. The Hair Spa was born because Gabrio Staff believes that the customer must live her appointment with the hairdresser as a moment that is exclusively hers; one which serves to reinvigorate and pamper her. At the Gabrio Staff Hair Spa a great deal of importance will be placed on relaxing and taumaturgical massages for the hair cuticle. This will be done with shampoos that are specially designed to treat the hair and mentally allow the client to immerse themselves in a totally care-free state of pleasure and satisfaction. The salon is made up almost exclusively of cabins where every client’s entire treatment is separate from the others (each with its own theme) so as to enjoy maximum privacy and seclusion.

MATHILDALine with a strong medieval flavour. We have had in mind a Joan of Arc of our times with vintage shirt of Saint Laurent and heavy make up that highlights the fighting look. We imagined an angelic girl with long soft blonde hair that is fed up with being considered “too good” that decides to “lose the innocence and cleanliness” of her image by assuming an expression and style of life more aggressive and warlike. A warrior. Joan of Arc, just, but also Nikita and Mathhilda of Luc Besson.This line is very instinctive, deliberately “badly” cut with quick and apparent casual strokes with a large tailor scissors almost like as if the girl were to cut her hair by herself in a moment of determination with the first thing that she had in her hand. An image that is suitable to be proposed to a woman on the verge of a drastic personal revolution, then, a woman decided to decend into the battle field and that attributes a strong changing meaning to the decision to cut her hair, and that is trying to make her image a real and genuine statement of her personality, able to tell the world that something within her has changed. Extremely suitable then is the color BLACK for sinking the hand even further in change. Not mediating any more, we have decided to change and we will do it right up to the end. Stylistically, this line is a bob with slightly longer ends at the front and with a very short and full fringe. At end cut (blunt cut) with the tailors scissors as previously mentioned, tips are made dirty by an irregular cut and creating small nicks. The basis of inspiration can suddenly change and take inspiration from the Thirties of the ART DECO’ just by adding feathers to the dress with from experienced fantasy.
CITYBIRD of PARADISE This style presents very clean haircuts, particularly at the back. Some irregular locks jut out from the sides and caress the face, while the full, flat bangs dominate the forehead.
The ends have been slightly bleached, while the roots feature warm colors, in the shades of brown and tobacco, which contribute to making this haircut perfect for an intense metropolitan life.

After last year’s dreamy and elegant white this year’s style is black-tinged. In the past the style’s inspiration was the glamour woman, like Mary Quant, or the courageous and pure one like Joan of Arc.
This year however personalities that are decidedly more independent, forceful, and assertive are in play. Like Victoria Beckham, for whom a line is named, or the divine Greta Garbo; a fashion that offers style and beauty to face this autumn-winter with a determined look that deep down is sensual and warm. Gabrio Staff looks at a woman who knows what direction she is going in; a woman who with a stare deters the most fearful of men by displaying herself as a wall of self-esteem and confidence, however with an unconscious, desperate need for tenderness, motherhood and family which betray her the moment she finds the right clue to distract her and get her to lower the defenses of her aggressive femininity.This line’s cutting approach draws inspiration from the old bob cuts of the 80’s. The sections of the back area are raised upwards and cut horizontally in a tousled manner, while the back area is used as a guide for proceeding to the lateral sections. These sections are flung towards the back, thereby automatically obtaining the length in the front.The front area is cut in three sections while trying to unwind, once the length of the lock has been determined, using gentle twists.